The Evolve 512 Delta was designed specifically for demanding super-resolution applications. This camera delivers an unprecedented new level of imaging speed and sensitivity.
High Speed Imaging; 16 µm x 16 µm Pixel Area; 67 fps.
The Evolve 128 is an enhanced imaging tool with on board intelligence. Features such as Quant-View® combined with superior stability enables precise and accurate research measurement and reproducible results. Low Read Noise; 24 µm x 24 µm Pixel Area; 530 fps.
The Evolve 512 is a small, yet powerful Evolve camera, ideally suited for low-light bioimaging applications such as spinning disk confocal, TIRF, PALM, STORM and single molecule imaging. High Sensitivity; 16 µm x 16 µm Pixel Area; 33 fps.
Termék leírása
The Evolve 512 Delta was designed specifically for demanding super-resolution applications. This camera delivers an unprecedented new level of imaging speed and sensitivity.
High Speed Imaging; 16 µm x 16 µm Pixel Area; 67 fps.
The Evolve 128 is an enhanced imaging tool with on board intelligence. Features such as Quant-View® combined with superior stability enables precise and accurate research measurement and reproducible results. Low Read Noise; 24 µm x 24 µm Pixel Area; 530 fps.
The Evolve 512 is a small, yet powerful Evolve camera, ideally suited for low-light bioimaging applications such as spinning disk confocal, TIRF, PALM, STORM and single molecule imaging. High Sensitivity; 16 µm x 16 µm Pixel Area; 33 fps.
Olympus kereskedelmi képviselet
Kereskedelmi képviselet
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